St Gallen, 26th January 2021. As a result of innovative and systematic product development, the renowned Swiss company SWISSINNO has received the "Blue Angel" environmental label for two important mouse control products. Both the mousetrap PRO SuperCat and the mousetrap No See No Touch have successfully passed all tests and have been awarded the coveted seal of approval. This is further evidence of the quality of the company's products and rewards the tireless efforts in the field of humane and species-appropriate pest control.
Effective mousetraps for sustainable success
The essential characteristic of a mousetrap is the ability to attract and kill rodents quickly and reliably. In addition, more and more people attach importance to it being produced sustainably, having a long service life, and complying with the current standards in the field of animal welfare and species protection. However, not all mousetraps are created equal, and making a decision during the purchasing process can often be difficult. This is because there are big differences in the functionality and effectiveness of mousetraps, and in the degree to which they offer humane killing in line with animal welfare and species protection.
Independent and trustworthy quality seals of approval and environmental labels such as the "Blue Angel" are used to give customers better guidance and help with their purchase decision. This environmental label from the German Federal Government guarantees that products meet high standards when it comes to environmental and health properties plus its performance characteristics. With reference to pest control, the award criteria focus predominantly on the ability to attract, a functional action that supports animal welfare, and effectiveness.
In order for a product to be awarded the "Blue Angel", it has to meet all of these criteria. Starting with attractiveness, they test whether a mousetrap attracts over 90% of all mice in the test area, such as a house, garage, animal stable, etc., within a maximum of 7 days. Whether or not the functional action supports animal welfare is determined by means of the period of time taken for the killing process. In order for the mice to not suffer for long, they must be dead within 30 seconds of the trap being triggered. The ability of the mouse trap to completely reduce the population of the infestation is illustrated by the effectiveness value.
Mousetrap PRO SuperCat and Mousetrap No See No Touch

Both products from SWISSINNO for mouse control successfully passed all tests and therefore stand out for their effectiveness. The reason for their success is due to several aspects. The first aspect is the use of solid and high-quality materials. These ensure that the mousetraps have a robust construction and guarantee a long service life. To increase their level of attractiveness, a natural bait is used, which is irresistible for mice and does not contain any chemicals or poisons. The extremely powerful impact mechanism ensures that it works in accordance with animal welfare standards. Going by the name of the "easy catch system", it enables rodents to familiarise themselves with the trap thus making it possible to avoid premature false triggering. This allows mice to extensively inspect the trap and bring themselves into an optimal position when they eat the bait. As soon as this position is reached, the trap strikes shut and the majority of the time the mouse dies instantaneously. False triggering can often lead to injuries of the rodents and cause them agony, so the development of the "easy catch system" is an important milestone in species-appropriate pest control that supports animal welfare.
For SWISSINNO, receiving the "Blue Angel" environmental label is both a confirmation of its previous achievements and a motivation to drive further innovations in the field of pest control. The business thus once again underlines its corporate philosophy: "We protect what you love". This relates both to the protection of human living spaces from pests and to the protection of animals and the environment.
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9000 St Gallen
T + 41-71-223 4016
F + 41-71-223 4024
Rosenbergstrasse 22
9000 St Gallen
T + 41-71-223 4016
F + 41-71-223 4024