St Gallen, 1st April 2021. What is more beautiful than the awakening of nature in Spring. Green meadows, flowers blooming for the first time, simply the best time of year for avid gardeners. Who doesn’t enjoy the outdoors during the Easter holidays, gardening and preparing the beds with flowers and vegetables! Wonderful idyllic surroundings. But a few molehills can quickly cloud this idyll when these uninvited guests settle permanently in the garden.
Getting rid of them can be challenging, especially as in many countries the little pests are a protected species where it is forbidden to catch or kill them. SWISSINNO has therefore developed a solution that effectively provides a remedy without anyone having to break any laws and risk being fined – the SuperCat solar mole repeller. It emits sound waves and vibrations within an area of 650m², which drives moles and voles away.
In which countries mole traps are allowed – and where they are not
In some countries such as France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Russia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the use of traps for killing moles is allowed. But are not in Germany, Austria, Finland, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. Also, in some countries, such as Switzerland, mole traps may be used, but only if the traps do not cause the animals undue suffering. This means a snap trap set-up must kill the animal quickly and humanely.
SWISSINNO has the right solution for this too. The SuperCat mole trap does not require bait, is activated from either direction and kills moles instantly. Furthermore, the trap does not pose any danger to the user or pets and is clearly visible from a distance. Your garden and nature are also protected, as there is no use of poisons or chemicals. The SuperCat mole trap is used in agriculture and also by professional pest controllers.
Silent mole solution

In reality, moles aren't actually pests. They feed on insects and only eat away roots when making their underground tunnels. However, molehills are extremely annoying and their tunnels can even cause structural damage. On sports fields they destroy beautifully laid out grass, in agriculture they contaminate forage grass with soil and are a threat to hygiene in animal breeding. It is therefore advisable to take preventive action against moles; the mole repeller and mole trap are ideally suited for this.
Fact, moles do not like loud noises and vibrations in the ground, so by using the mole repeller it will keep the creatures away. The SuperCat solar mole repeller from SWISSINNO has a solar panel and is a stand-alone device and is very simple and efficient to use. This design speaks in favor of sustainable use, which guarantees 24-hour protection. The emitted sound waves cannot be heard by humans and therefore do not disturb the idyllic atmosphere of gardens. In addition, the device also scares off voles, which like to use the moles' tunnel systems. The solar mole repeller is absolutely safe for pets and children.
Protect what is dear to you – in harmony with nature
Modern pest control is much more than just using poisons and chemicals. Those who wish to protect their favourite places and not contaminate them rely on more innovative control methods. Thanks to the Swiss quality-oriented company SWISSINNO, there are already a large number of products that promote ecological sustainability and, at the same time, fight off pests effectively
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9000 St Gallen
T + 41-71-223 4016
F + 41-71-223 4024
Rosenbergstrasse 22
9000 St Gallen
T + 41-71-223 4016
F + 41-71-223 4024