St Gallen, xx/xx/2021. Gardening enthusiasts, farmers, and landscapers all share a common enemy: moles. Its unsightly little hills destroy idyllic gardens as much as sports grounds and fields for cultivating forage grasses. With the latter molehills are particularly impactful as their soil can mix with the grass when mowing, causing problems with silage. This can even lead to diseases in cattle, sheep, and horses. That's why it's so important to keep moles away or under control, which is most effective with mole repellers or mole traps. Be aware if using traps, though: killing moles is illegal in some regions and can even carry severe penalties!
Can I kill a mole?
There's no single answer to this question as in some countries moles are protected species and killing them is prohibited by law. This is true of Germany, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, and Finland, for example. In other regions, however, there are different rules that permit the use of traps to tackle mole problems. These include Italy, Belgium, Russia, Bulgaria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, and the UK. In Switzerland, meanwhile, traps can only be used if they kill the mole quickly and in a humane way that prevents unnecessary suffering.
It's therefore important to pay attention to the quality of a trap and ensure that it is designed specifically to kill moles. The effective Mole Trap SuperCat from SWISSINNO is ideal for this. Straight forward to setup by simply locating and installing it within the mole's tunnel, the trap functions in both directions and when activated it kills them quickly and reliably minimising any suffering. The SuperCat trap works without any bait at all, so nothing stands in the way of flexible, non-toxic use. It is also the first choice in the commercial application of pest control to effectively control moles in gardens, lawns, and fields.
Live traps are not recommended for moles
It might sound contradictory that for animals welfare reasons it is better to kill rather than catch the creatures alive. However, catching moles alive is not recommend and requires a considerate amount of effort. Commercially available live traps are narrow plastic tubes that have to be installed in the tunnel with great care, and their success rate is rather low. Once inside the plastic tube, the animal's fur becomes wet with urine, they breathe in moisture and sweat, which can quickly lead to hypothermia. Captured animals are also exposed to severe levels of stress and will only survive a few hours in the traps. For the user, this means that the traps have to be inspected every 3–4 hours and then must be removed overnight. Even if successful, the question also remains of what to do with the trapped animal? Releasing moles on another property is only permitted with the consent of the respective owner.
Efficiently drive moles away with sound waves and vibrations

If you want to fight moles without killing them, you should opt for a method that is as reliable as possible. Home remedies like nettle water, dog hair, mothballs, essential oils, cat droppings, garlic, etc. are discounted as these attempt to drive moles away with strong odors. Their effectiveness is very limited, though: Moles close the affected passages and simply dig new ones, and you have to repeat the treatment with home remedies and a lot for them have little or no impact at all on the mole.
Acoustic repellers that can be used non-stop, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, are much more effective. The Solar Mole Repeller from SWISSINNO is a quality example of this, it works within a radius of approx. 650m² and emits sound waves and vibrations every 40 seconds that drive away pests like moles and voles without inflicting any injury. It's 100% animal-safe, albeit very annoying! The integrated rechargeable battery and solar panel mean it works completely independently and is active around the clock. Mole repellers are also perfectly suited for preventive use as they do not have a disruptive effect on pets or people, and moles simply avoid the area of cover. This is how you can drive a mole away in an animal-friendly way for good and without using any poisons. The only disadvantage is that the animals can get used to the background noise and there is therefore no 100% guarantee of success.
Rosenbergstrasse 22
9000 St Gallen
T + 41-71-223 4016
F + 41-71-223 4024
Rosenbergstrasse 22
9000 St Gallen
T + 41-71-223 4016
F + 41-71-223 4024