Interesting facts about wasps
If you want to drive wasps away from your patio or other areas where you congregate, you should start by finding out a little bit about these insects. Wasps mostly spend spring and early summer feeding on insect larvae. They therefore play a useful role in the ecosystem. An absence of the greedy wasps would very often lead to major plagues of aphids and other nasty pests. Some proteins which wasps gain from their diet are passed on to the larvae in the nests, with the wasps receiving a sugary liquid in return. Starting with the middle of summer, the number of larvae decreases sharply, and the wasps sugar supply ceases. As a result, they seek a replacement, and find it in abundance among us humans. Sweet drinks, ice cream, salad dressings and other sugary foods are a gold mine for wasps.
Why don't insects look for sugar in nature?
There's a good reason for that. Plums and some other types of fruit which could be used by wasps to supply them with sugar usually ripen during late summer. But the number of fruit trees is steadily decreasing. Especially in urban or other densely populated areas, hardly any fruit trees are planted. As a result, starting in the middle of summer, these insects barely have any sources of food available to them.
Because of this, they're just waiting for us to have an ice cream or treat ourselves to a piece of fruitcake outdoors. The wasps do all they can to get hold of the sugar, displaying aggressive behaviour in the process. The most common reaction is violent defensive movements, hoping to drive the pests away. That's when the insects will use their stings to defend themselves. However, the problem isn't just the pain inflicted, there are many people who suffer an allergic reaction to wasp stings and require immediate medical attention. For this reason alone, it's useful to be able to eradicate them and control the situation.
Fight wasps and protect bees
When you're fighting wasps, it's important to make sure that bees are not affected, therefore chemical pesticides should not be used. This is why ecological methods have been developed which are highly effective at allowing you to protect yourself against these troublemakers. The best way to fight wasps in a sustainable, environmentally friendly manner is using a wasp trap and bait which contains vinegar and won't attract bees.
The efficient and non-toxic wasp trap from SWISSINNO

This trap works in a very simple, yet extremely effective way. It consists of a robust container with an integrated access lid. There is a lure mixed with water inside the trap. After vigorous stirring, the bait develops a scent which wasps can't resist, however, the key is the bait also contains vinegar which keeps bees away and protected. The insects believe that there is some particularly tasty food inside and then fly into the trap through the appropriate entrance. From there, they fall into the water and drown.
The fragrance is not harmful to humans or pets. The scent lies in an area which can only be perceived by wasps. The trap can therefore be attached to a wall or tree in close proximity to the social dining area. The bait will last for around two to three weeks, thereafter It can then be exchanged for new bait. New bait refill packs available for this modern trap, you need only purchase the trap once.
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Rosenbergstrasse 22
9000 St Gallen
T + 41-71-223 4016
F + 41-71-223 4024