St Gallen, 24/08/2021. Midges, mosquitoes and gnats are different names for insects with two wings and a proboscis that they use to 'bite'. No matter what you call them, they're all annoying pests that cause itchy bites and, in the worst case, can even transmit fatal diseases. There are lots of ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes, but which ones are most effective and best suit each situation? We explain what really helps against mosquitoes and which home remedies and tricks offer no protection at all.
Why mosquitoes are so annoying and dangerous
In the hot and humid summer months especially, mosquitoes are absolute torture, while in spring the weather is decisive. The warmer and more humid it is, the better mosquitoes' living conditions Climate change and rising temperatures caused by it play right into the hands of these irritating insects. In this context, increasing rainfall is also a beneficial factor for stronger mosquito populations as they need water to lay their eggs. A female mosquito is capable of laying more than 300 eggs. In order to produce these eggs the females need proteins, which they suck from our blood. This means it's only female mosquitoes that bite, while the males mainly feed on nectar.
In order to produce enough offspring, the female mosquitoes swarm out and suck blood from their victims using their proboscis. Mosquito bites cause severe itching and swelling and can also lead to allergic reactions. Another danger is the transmission of diseases, and global warming plays an important role in this too. More and more mosquito species from tropical areas are starting to feel at home in Europe, like the Asian tiger mosquito, which is becoming more and more common. Depending on the type, these mosquitoes transmit diseases including malaria, Zika, West Nile, dengue and chikungunya. All of these viruses can cause dangerous and even deadly diseases.
Repel and keep away mosquitoes, from home remedies to biocides
Mosquitoes are incredibly persistent and very difficult to get rid of. It's helpful to know that these annoying insects are attracted by our CO2 exhalation and our body odour and scents. They can smell us, so traps that rely on attracting them with light, such as UV, are less effective and not recommended. Herbal plants and essential oils, meanwhile, emit a strong odour, which has a repellent effect on mosquitoes. Mint, basil, rosemary and lavender are especially recommended as far as plants are concerned. Among essential oils, lemongrass, mint, clove, peppermint, lavender and eucalyptus aromas are the most effective. For all of these home remedies, however, the range of action is extremely limited. Herbal plants in particular are inconsistent and don't guarantee reliable protection. The strong scent of essential oils can be effective but isn't always pleasant for us, and some mosquitoes don't react to it at all.
Insecticides, also known as biocides, are the only reliable solution to mosquito problems. These effectively and permanently keep the pests and their bites at a safe distance and kill them if they come too close. Even companies like SWISSINNO that otherwise focus on natural, non-toxic methods for pest control, recommend using biocides against mosquitoes. However, SWISSINNO clearly points out the dangers of biocides and provides guidelines for correctly using them in order to avoid harming humans and the environment.
Mosquito Stop Lanterns to protect gardens, terraces, campsites and more.

A big advantage of Mosquito Stop Lanterns compared with sprays and wristbands is that you don't have to wear them on your skin. This stylish lantern can be used easily as a functional decoration in outdoor areas and contributes to a cosy ambience. To use it, a plate containing biocides is inserted into the top of the lantern. A candle is placed underneath, and the heat from the candle releases the platelet's active substance, reliably protecting a 20m² radius from mosquitoes for four hours. Ideal for a relaxing stay on the terrace, in the garden, on the balcony or in the outdoor eateries, but also when barbecuing, fishing and camping. Annoying insect bites will be a distant memory with the Mosquito Stop Lantern. It's important to note that biocides also have a deadly effect on bees and fish, so the disc must be properly disposed of with household waste and must not be allowed to end up in natural surroundings.
SWISSINNO protects what you love – effectively and safely
Biocides should only be used in the fight against pests when there is no other option. The high-quality Swiss company SWISSINNO offers a variety of natural and sustainable products that are eco-friendly and guarantee environmental and animal welfare. At the same time, it is vital that the pest-control solutions on offer are efficient and effective. Striking the perfect balance between these requirements leads to innovative products such as the Mosquito Stop Lantern and many more. An overview of all of the solutions can be found on the company's website,
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Rosenbergstrasse 22
9000 St Gallen
T + 41-71-223 4016
F + 41-71-223 4024