St. Gallen, 02/06/2022 Anyone who has a garden knows of them and fears them! Those annoying pests that destroy the lawn and demolish the garden beds. That's right! Voles and moles. As a gardener, you are frequently confronted with these animals, especially now in Spring, and you have to think about the best way to get rid of them. To do so, the first thing you need to know is whether the creature causing all the damage in your garden is a mole or a vole. Once identified the next step is to find an effective, species-appropriate solution. Some recommended systems, by SWISSINNO, are the vole trap SuperCat, the mole trap SuperCat and the solar vole & mole repeller. Designed for gardeners, non-toxic, sustainable and easy to use. But be aware! In countries, like Germany for example, where moles are a protected species, you are forbidden to kill them, however, you can repel them with sound waves, which are harmless to these burrowing rodents.
Moles are protected in many countries, including Germany
Unlike voles, moles do not cause problems by eating young plants, roots or flowers! Rather, moles dig long, deep tunnels, and push the earth out behind them, to form those unsightly piles of earth - or mole hills - all over the lawn. Moles mainly feed on earthworms and insect larvae, but with their tunnels they pave the way for voles to tackle your plants. Even though voles do dig their own tunnels, they also use those dug by the moles to get to the plants and eat them unnoticed.
In some countries, moles are a protected species and must not be killed. These include: Germany, Austria, Finland, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia.
In the following countries, moles are not protected: France, Spain, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Russia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
In Switzerland, moles may only be killed if the trap kills the animal quickly, and in a species-appropriate manner.
Voles, on the other hand, are not protected, and may be controlled by any method.
24-hour protection against moles & voles

The use of ultrasound mole & vole repellent devices is permitted in all countries. With the solar-powered mole & vole repeller by SWISSINNO, both moles and voles are driven out of the garden with harmless sound waves and vibrations. The sensitive animals leave the area, because the device emits a sound wave every 40 seconds within an area of around 650m². The sound waves are imperceptible and harmless to humans and pets. The solar cell of the solar-powered mole repeller uses the sunshine to charge the device, so that long-term use 24 hours a day, is guaranteed. Perfect for all garden owners who want to protect their land and do not want to kill any animals.
Fight moles – if permitted, then use effective, non-toxic methods
In countries in which moles are not protected, the SWISSINNO mole trap SuperCat can also be used. It is extremely effective and easy to use. In order to use it, set the trap and place it in the mole tunnel. In contrast to poison, with this trap, you can take targeted action against moles without endangering other wild creatures, beneficial organisms or pets. That's why the trap is also used by professional pest controllers and many gardeners. What's more, no bait is required and the tunnel is protected, no matter which direction the mole is moving in.
Fight voles - fight with the vole trap SuperCat
The vole is a rodent and it has a purely vegetarian diet. For gardeners, this can be a devastating, because bulbs, tubers and root vegetables are favourites on its menu. If your vegetables are dying one by one, it's very likely that a vole is responsible. Earth tunnels are another sign of a vole infestation in the garden. They are elongated, flat and often interwoven with grass. You will rarely find roots inside them, because the voles will have eaten them. This makes them easily distinguishable from mole tunnels. The vole trap SuperCat fights the small rodents effectively. Easy to use: The vole trap is easy to set. Simply place it within the tunnel system of the vole. The trap catches field mice and voles, whichever direction they are moving in, without the use of bait or poison. Before using a vole trap, you should check exactly what is living underground in your garden. This way, moles won't find their way into the trap, although this is extremely rare.
Swiss quality, coupled with the upmost respect for animals and nature
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